Commenting on blog posts, forums, websites, etc. will generate the most buzz you can get. Even if you don’t write your own blog, you can still generate buzz via comments.
Why are comments so important?
- They allow you to reach out and touch people. All over. All the time.
- They develop your personal brand and style; write consistently high quality comments with interesting ideas and insights and people will take notice.
- They leave a footprint out there, and each one is another way someone can find you.
- They demonstrate your understanding of the social aspects of blogging.
- They demonstrate your interest in communicating with others.
- They provide a non-aggressive and non-obtrusive way of selling yourself.
There are ways you can write blog posts to encourage more comments and things you should do to grow your blog audience with comments.
Those are topics related to comments on your site — but don’t forget to go out and comment elsewhere — blogs, forums, etc. — there are plenty of places you can speak your voice, collaborate, connect and ultimately, generate buzz.