I started my first company in 1996. A couple years later that company morphed from a service business (offering web design and development services) into a product business with the launch of our web-based project management application. Those were the early years of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). In fact, we were referred to as an ASP (Application […]
Adding Disqus and AddThis to Make Blog More Social
It’s almost impossible to keep track of all the latest widgets, gadgets, plugins and features available for bloggers. New stuff is coming out daily, which is understandable, there are millions and millions of bloggers, and many of them are very dedicated to blogging — that’s a nice market with interesting opportunities. Few companies have really […]
Startup Fundraising According to Paul Graham
Paul Graham is well-known in the startup world for his past successes and most recently, the launch of Y Combinator. Y Combinator continues to garner a ton of attention, from a combination of the sheer volume in startups being launched through the program, the successful exits, and the way in which they’re shaking up the […]
Catch Me Saturday on the Aaron Brazell Show Talking About Social Media and the Job Market
Just a quick note that I’ll be live on Saturday, August 16th @ 9pm EDT on the Aaron Brazell show talking about how to find a job, tips on job seeking, social media and the job market, the economy and more. It should be fun! You can join the show live (and participate) by clicking […]
Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast is Back
Thanks to all the feedback we received about the Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast, and the help of Heri and Tanya, we’ve resurrected the breakfast event for tomorrow. This is a bit last minute, but with the help of Heri and Tanya we’re going to be much more organized for future breakfasts. You can sign-up to […]
Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast – Evolving the Startup Ecosystem
I instigated the first Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast over a year and a half ago because people were complaining that there was a lack of casual get-togethers for entrepreneurs, techies, investors, etc. It was straightforward to do at the time, and with the help of Sylvain Carle we got the ball rolling. The goal was […]
One of the Coolest Jobs Around – Community Manager at Akoha
The folks at Akoha are working on something very cool. I should know – their CEO and founder, Austin Hill, is also my co-Founder at Standout Jobs. And Akoha is in the same building as us, so we get to see the team and interact with them on a regular basis. Working at Akoha could […]
Startup Communities and Startup Failure
I’ve got two critically important articles to point your attention to today – on startup communities and startup failure. Jevon MacDonald talks about how startups can save venture capital (in Canada). He includes a great presentation that he’s given in a few places about how startup communities can work more effectively to get great startups […]
Quoted in The New York Times – The Power of Blogging
At this point, you really can’t question the power of blogging. It works. There are examples of blogging working across different industries, for different reasons. It’s great for customer service. It’s great for building up a following (that you can then leverage into all kinds of different businesses.) Blogging might not be for everyone, but […]
Using Great Customer Service as a Differentiator
In a “me too” world of easy-to-build and low cost startups, it’s becoming harder and harder to differentiate yourself from the competition. Just think about your potential customers and all the “stuff” they’re getting bombarded with on a regular basis. You might have invented a better mousetrap, but getting that message across isn’t easy. And […]