When a startup receives financing it will need to setup a Board of Directors. The Board probably existed beforehand, but was made up only of the founders. Once funding takes place, the angels or VCs will want a seat at the table. There’s no surprise there. But there’s another kind of board that’s equally important. […]
Are You Testing the Effectiveness of Your Website?
I recently attended an event in Montreal where Albert Lai spoke. Albert’s a serial entrepreneur with a number of successes (and failures) under his belt. Great speaker. One of the things he said really stuck in my mind (which I’m paraphrasing), “It’s all about the market. Don’t do things based on your own personal whims […]
February Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast
I’m late in announcing this because I’ve been swamped, but Heri at Montreal Tech Watch has the event listed on his blog. The show must go on! On that note, please check out the Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast on Tuesday, February 12th @ 9am. Location: Bistro, Etc. – 1291 Avenue du Mont-Royal, E. Facebook Event […]
Launching a Startup is Barely Step One
Launching a startup isn’t easy. But what you quickly realize is that the real work comes immediately thereafter. Our launch of Standout Jobs at DEMO was a big success. We generated plenty of buzz, brought in some great customers and the product held up to the initial onslaught of traffic, users and feedback. And for […]
My DEMO 08 Presentation for Standout Jobs
So here it is in all its glory. I must admit watching myself borders on Chinese water torture, but we got a lot of great feedback. It’s just around 5:36 … well under the 6 minute limit. I rushed a few parts, but generally the pace was good and there were no “oops” moments. I’m […]
Standout Jobs Goes Live!
I’m pleased to announce (even though it’s around 4am and I’m barely conscious) that Standout Jobs is live! We just launched officially to the world with press releases, a new website, a bunch of customers and of course, an actual product. The product is called RECEPTION. It’s a suite of web-based tools to power your […]
In Palm Springs and Preparing for DEMO 08
I’ve arrived in Palm Springs at the beautiful Marriott Resort. It was a long trip from Montreal through San Francisco, but we’ve made it. My co-Founder, Fred Ngo, has come along and we’re expecting more of our team tomorrow and Monday. The venue is spectacular, a great place for a conference like DEMO 08. In […]
The Startup CEO School of Hard Knocks
First-time startup CEOs don’t have it easy. Regardless of how much previous experience they might have – whether it’s in business or from school – thrusting yourself into the role of startup CEO is like tossing freezing cold water in your face every day. Jason Goldberg recently left as CEO of Jobster and he reflected […]
How Do You Prepare for Presentations?
Preparing for presentations isn’t easy. Even team meetings with your colleagues can be stressful and challenging. Few of us are true extroverts, and even fewer of us are comfortable with public speaking. Awhile ago, I joked a bit about things you shouldn’t say in a presentation but really, it’s no laughing matter. One of the […]
Sprinting to Start Up: How to Launch a Startup
When does the life of a startup really begin? Is it at the moment when you first have the spark of an idea? Is it when the company is incorporated? When you hire your first employee? Raise your first angel financing? How about 2 weeks before you’re set to launch? Recently, I announced that my […]