A good friend of mine, Raymond Luk, is involved with Facebook Weekend in Toronto. It’s a combination BarCamp-style unconference and StartupWeekend. For anyone involved in Facebook development or looking at it for their companies, it’s a good chance to meet the community in Toronto. From what I’ve heard there will be a good number of […]
What Does Your Brain on Funding Look Like?
This is your brain. This is your brain while you’re trying to get funding.
7 Ways to Guarantee Customers Never Buy From You Again
Too many companies treat their customers like crap. It’s frustrating and inexcusable. You don’t like being treated like crap, right? So why treat your customers that way? Recently my family went to get photos taken at a store called Magenta. It’s a Montreal-based success story, started by an entrepreneur and built into numerous stores across […]
10 Tips for Picking a Great Freelance Vendor
The pros and cons of freelancing are fairly well known. And freelancers have no shortage of stories about bad clients. But what about bad freelancers? Does such a thing exist? Of course it does. And there’s no worse feeling than paying someone a lot of money to do work for you only to have them […]
How-To Guarantee a Nightmare Filled Sleep
Who doesn’t enjoy the thought of tossing and turning all night in fits of restlessness brought on by nightmares? Woohoo! The secret is this: Work right until the moment you go to bed. It’s really as simple as that. Work, work, and work some more. When you’re exhausted, go straight to bed (don’t pass GO!) […]
7 Things No One Ever Tells You About Raising Venture Capital Financing
There are numerous great resources out there to help you raise venture capital or angel financing. Hopefully I’ve helped in some small way with my thoughts on pitching VCs and reviewing financing options. But there are some parts of the process that few people talk about. And they’re important; especially for startups raising money for […]
Two Montreal Startups Launch: Defensio and CakeMail
It’s great to see how alive the Montreal tech scene is quickly becoming. I’m not sure you can call us “Silicon Valley North” just yet, but it’s still exciting to see companies getting funded and companies launching. Two cool companies launched recently that I want to bring people’s attention to, because I think you could […]
Exposed: The Pros and Cons of Freelancing
Freelancers will often tout the benefits of freelancing. Just as much as people working full-time might do the same (It’s true! Some people love their jobs!) Startup entrepreneurs will rant and rave about the benefits of starting companies and working at startups. Assuming we like what we’re doing, we’ll promote it as “the way to […]
How-To Price Freelance Projects Successfully
One of the biggest challenges for new freelancers is pricing. Pricing projects isn’t easy. There are plenty of factors that come into play:
BarCamp Montreal 3 – Don’t Miss It!
If you’re at all interested in technology, entrepreneurship, startups or the Web (or all of the above) and you’re in Montreal or nearby, then you should be attending BarCamp Montreal 3. Date: Saturday, November 3rd, 2008 It’s an all day event, starting at 9am and it’s absolutely free. For shame if you don’t go! For […]