Running a contest on your blog is a great way of generating buzz. Done correctly it will generate links, word-of-mouth and lots of goodwill. But lots and lots of people are doing them. So part of running a successful blog contest means raising the bar on the prizes you offer. David Airey has taking blog […]
Does My Startup Idea Suck?
It’s human nature to seek out the opinion of others. And soliciting feedback can be extremely valuable in the process of vetting and developing your startup idea. But be careful how you react to everyone’s opinions. When asking people for their opinion on your new startup idea, you’ll get a variety of answers: Brilliant! Why […]
Join Standout Jobs as a CSS and Web Designer
Standout Jobs (my startup) is hiring a CSS & Web Designer. This is a full-time position in Montreal. Please take a look at the full job listing on the Standout Jobs blog. To apply, we’ll need to see a portfolio, and you can email us at
Help Me Win a Blog Tournament!
Instigator Blog has been entered into the 1% Army – Canadian Marketing, Media & Digital All-Star Tournament. There are 128 blogs in the competition. In the first round I’m pitted against 3 other blogs: A Frog in the Valley emergenceweb To compete, I need to submit my top 3 blog posts of 2007, including […]
Who Can Argue With Copyblogger?
When Copyblogger steps up and says, “Hey! Participate in this project. I am, and it’s worth it…” people listen. Including me. Blog Action Day is set for October 15, 2007. On that day, the organizers hope everyone talks about one issue: the environment. “Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and […]
Stealing Avatars: Identity Theft 2.0
Most social bookmarking, social media and social networking sites allow you to include a thumbnail image (or avatar) to go with your profile. For example, when you submit a story on digg, your image appears with it. The best example is MyBlogLog. It grew to huge success, in part because it showed people’s faces. For […]
The Secret to Staying on Top
Secretly, we all want to be on top. Luckily, there’s a secret to staying on top that works every time.
We’re Not All Ready To Be Media Outlets, But So What?
We’re all media outlets. We’re all media channels. That’s the siren call of many in the blogosphere; the people focused on democratizing media, taking down walled gardens, and building community. But Mat Balez is sounding alarm bells over the idea that each of us can be media: I know, on the surface, bringing the freedom […]
The 4 Immutable Laws of Giving Great Proposals
I’ve never met a Request For Proposal I liked. They’re typically poorly designed, laden with pointless questions and ripe with ridiculous demands. Truth is: RFPs aren’t even meant to find the best vendor. They were invented by process-loving bureaucrats, whose sole mission in life is to procrastinate, justify their jobs and cover their asses. RFPs […]
Moving to San Francisco
The weather is beautiful The people there complain about the fog, but that’s just silliness. Come visit Montreal in February. Then talk to me about fog. The city is nice They’ve got the ocean, mountains and a vibrant city. The earthquake thing isn’t great, but get a sturdy a desk to hide under and you […]