When raising money from venture capitalists or angels, you’ll want to meet as many as possible. They won’t all invest, but each time you pitch, you get better. Each time you pitch, you get asked different questions, get different opinions and ideas. It’s worth it to pitch as many people as you can, as often […]
Write Blog Posts Not Articles
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck…guess what, it’s a duck. A blog is a blog is a blog. Not quite the same analogy, but you get the point. Jakob Nielsen suggests that people write articles not blog posts. He differentiates them by saying that blog posts […]
How Much Money Do You Spend On Your Blog?
Most people ask, “How much money do you make from your blog, and how do you do it?” But Jonathan at SmartWealthyRich.com is asking a different question: What are your blogging expenses? Good question. He’s hoping to generate a lot of feedback and discussion, and I hope he does. I spend approximately $20/month in hosting […]
3 Tips To Startup Success
When starting a business, you’re going to make mistakes. Even if you’ve done it a handful of times (successfully or not), mistakes are common. Of course, you will learn a ton from the mistakes you make; but there are plenty of new mistakes left to make. Luckily, it’s not all doom and gloom. Far from […]
When Is A Blog Post A Success?
When it moves your blog toward its ultimate goal. You do have a goal for your blog, right? (Thanks to Lorelle for asking the question: How do you determine the success of a blog post?)
Do Bloggers Always Follow Their Own Advice?
Bloggers write a lot. We have to. It’s the nature of the blogging beast. Produce content. Do it. Write, write and write some more. For all the debate over how often you need to be posting to maintain and grow your audience, the fact remains that many of us write a lot of blog content; […]
The Carnival of Bootstrapping Entrepreneurs Launches
The Carnival of Bootstrapping Entrepreneurs was initiated by Raj Dash. Anything that helps aggregate quality content related to entrepreneurship and bootstrapping is a good idea in my books. One of my articles made it in — Is Guy Kawasaki’s Backhand Better Than His Server? which was a quick look at his new startup Truemors and […]
How-To Start a Company and Family at the Same Time
Work-life balance is a topic of constant debate. Can you achieve it? Does it exist? What’s it all mean? Wendy Piersall is asking those very questions. This time she’s asking dads for their input. Certainly, this is a topic of much debate and difficulty for moms. But dads get less attention. It’s assumed that dads […]
Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast Tomorrow
A quick reminder to fellow Montreal tech entrepreneurs — the Montreal Tech Entrepreneur Breakfast (#6 I believe) — will be held tomorrow at 9am at Bistro, Etc. It’s free to attend, come as you are. It’s a great place to catch up and meet new people. If you want to sign-up, you can do so […]
New WordPress Plugin for Spam: Defensio
It’s been just about a month or so since I switched from Akismet to Defensio. The Defensio team are good friends of mine – Carl Mercier (uber-developer in charge of things over there) and Mat Balez (as good an instigator as any). They asked me to alpha test their WordPress plugin and I was happy […]