It’s been just over a month since Snap Preview Anywhere came on the scene. It allows you (with a small snippet of code or WordPress plugin) to show previews of outbound links when people mouse over them. You scroll over a link and when you do so a popup appears showing you a picture of […]
Only A-Listers Say There’s No A-List
It’s a nice notion – that there’s no A-list – but of course there is. And everyone who isn’t on the A-list knows it. There’s even a widget out there to tell you what list you’re on! Some A-listers may say, “there’s no A-list” to avoid coming off as elitist, and the sentiment is appreciated, […]
PayPerPost Buys Pieces of
PayPerPost knows how to stay in the headlines. Aside from the raging debate over paid content and what that means to blogging, etc. they’ve now purchased select assets from I’ve frequented Performancing for some time, reading their content, signing up for their ad network. Their site is a great resource for bloggers, but I […]
You Can Bring More Attention to Bloggers That Deserve It
Mack Collier has an idea for turning Technorati’s ranking methodology on its head. His take is that Technorati doesn’t adequately measure the value/importance of a blog because it focuses primarily on links. Well, it does need something to measure importance by, and links are a reasonable measurement of success in the blogosphere, but there are […]
Easy Online Backup For Your Computer From Data Deposit Box
This is a sponsored post, through the ReviewMe service. I accepted the review opportunity to get a feel for what it’s like, understand their service, and be able to explain my experience to you. It’s the first review request I’ve received, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to get it. But make […]
Spark a Startup Today, You Know You Want To
Startup Spark is my new blog – hosted by the fine folks at b5media within their new Business Channel. As the name implies it’s all about startups. The purpose of Startup Spark is as follows: Walk through the entire process of starting a new business Provide a community point for entrepreneurs to get together and […]
We All Need Blog Goals, Even Frivolous Ones
What would a blog be without blog goals, right? First, I think your blog should have goals. Whether it’s a personal blog, business blog or a mix of both, having goals will help you focus on what to write, how to write it, how to reach people, etc. It makes sense. I’ve accomplished a lot […]
How To Find Sponsorships For Your Blog
Sponsorships are the best way of making money on your blog. But how do you find them? Pick a good niche. This is good advice for blogging in general, and it certainly applies to finding sponsorships. Pick a niche, preferably one you know something about, and start writing! The more narrow the niche, the easier […]
When Your Blog Gets Pitched, Pitch Back
Bloggers are getting pitched more and more from companies and their public relations people who are looking to promote all sorts of goods. There’s a lot of book pitching, but no shortage of other products being pitched as well. Lots of A-list bloggers get pitched daily. Many are getting tired of it, mostly because there’s […]
Ted Demopoulos Stole My Book Idea
I just finished reading What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting by Ted Demopoulos, which he graciously sent me. Ted stole my book idea. If I was going to write an introductory guide to the benefits of blogging and podcasting, I would have written Ted’s book. Ok, so technically Ted didn’t steal […]