I was very glad to see that someone recorded the recent Blitzweekend presentations. Stephane Daury did a great job recording everything, and I’ve enjoyed watching the presentations I didn’t see.
I gave a presentation at Blitzweekend about starting a company. It was a mixture of a few things including:
- how Standout Jobs started from within the Montreal tech community
- my personal history, and use of blogging & social media to build a reputation locally and beyond
- raising capital – the difficulties, tips, etc.
- my current struggles with balancing the 20,000 foot strategic view and day-to-day issues
The presentation is a bit longer than I intended it to be, but I’m pleased with the results. A bit more practice would have helped, and more point form notes instead of what I had written up to use. But I hope people enjoyed the presentation and got something out of it. Anyone?
Anyway, if you’re interested in learning more about Standout Jobs, where it came from and some of the lessons learned so far (and you want to see me “in action” – after all, who wouldn’t?!?!) please check out the presentation and let me know what you think.