We all deal with self doubt from time to time, as entrepreneurs, employees, husbands, wives, etc.
Last week I wrote a post titled, You’re Not Rich Yet? Take a Step Out and Regroup which talked around the idea of self doubt. Mostly I was talking about how to deal with not meeting your expectations as quickly as hoped, and how to take a step out and look at things from a fresh perspective.
Dave Navarro at Million Dollar Leverage (great blog name!) just wrote a post titled, “How To Prevent Self Doubt”, and it’s a great, practical guide. Often when we read discussions on things such as self doubt it’ll be filled with psychobabble and loop around in endless circles of nonsense, but Dave’s giving you 2 steps you can take.
It’s a well-written and well-thought out article, and it ties very well into what I had written about. We all face self doubt (probably several times per day!) but being able to battle it, overcome it and eventually prevent it from happening is a path to success I’m sure we’d all like to take.