Mastering PowerPoint isn’t something to be proud of. But it’s a reality of a startup CEO’s job if you’re trying to raise capital. Why? Because sex sells.
5 Quick Tips on Pitching Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists
Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of pitching to investors, including angel investors and venture capitalists. It’s a fact of life when you run a venture-backed startup. It’s one of those things that no one ever tells you about raising money — once you start, you never stop. It will take on average 4-6 months […]
Dissing Venture Capitalists Is So Cool
One of entrepreneurs’ favorite pastimes is complaining about venture capitalists (VCs). (Incidentally, I’m fairly sure the reverse holds true for VCs, but I won’t put words in their mouths.) Although some of this is understandable (raising money is extremely hard and can be a frustrating process), I’ve often thought it’s in bad taste and just […]
What Does Your Brain on Funding Look Like?
This is your brain. This is your brain while you’re trying to get funding.
7 Things No One Ever Tells You About Raising Venture Capital Financing
There are numerous great resources out there to help you raise venture capital or angel financing. Hopefully I’ve helped in some small way with my thoughts on pitching VCs and reviewing financing options. But there are some parts of the process that few people talk about. And they’re important; especially for startups raising money for […]