Hopefully many of you are coming from the IGotNewsForYou blog where I’ve been posting since January 2006. I decided to take the plunge and move the blog to WordPress.
As well, the blog didn’t fit with what I want to do at IGotNewsForYou and I wanted to branch out into further discussions, new projects, etc.
So Instigator Blog is born!
The feed is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/InstigatorBlog
The IGotNewsForYou blog will stay where it is, but its focus will be on promoting humor, fun sites, and crazy ideas. So for a laugh, check it out!
The humor will stay here too…I can’t avoid it, but I do see Instigator Blog evolving into my personal brand as an entrepreneur.
I hope you enjoy it here! And I hope the great community built up around the IGotNewsForYou blog sticks around and grows from this point forward.
[tags]entrepreneurship, instigator blog, wordpress, igotnewsforyou, blogger, blogging[/tags]