Every blogger suffers writer’s block at some point. It’s inevitable. And extremely frustrating. For some it means months without creating any new content, while others can recover much more quickly.
Skribit (the project of Paul Stamatiou and others) is a service that’s designed to help you defeat writer’s block. It also has the potential of increasing user engagement with your blog or web site. It’s a simple application that lets you take writing / topic / blog post suggestions through a small sidebar widget. You can see it installed on the right of my blog. People leave suggestions, and there’s a simple web interface for managing those. Other people can also vote on suggestions that are made.
I like the idea behind Skribit – that’s why I’ve installed the widget on my blog – and I’m curious to see what kind of response it gets. I do think it has the potential of being more interesting as a user engagement tool, because people will want to see their suggestions come to fruition, they’ll appreciate that and probably invest more time in promoting that content as well.
So, what should I write about?